Which House in Astrology Determines the Marriage Prediction?

Which House in Astrology Determines the Marriage Prediction?

As per Indian convention, whenever a marriage is to be fixed, the first thing to do is to consult an astrologer, who will study the marriage Kundli as per marriage astrology. The first thing anyone asks an astrologer is when will I get married. The astrologer will study the various planets and their position in different houses in detail for marriage prediction.


The 7th house in the birth chart is known as the house of marriage in astrology. The second, fifth, and eighth houses are analysed to predict marriage. The main planets that are known as marriage factors are Venus and Jupiter. The position of Jupiter in a woman's Kundli is assessed and the position of Venus in a man's Kundli is assessed for marriage. The position of Mars in the birth chart is also very important for the study of marriage horoscopes. The D-9 chart or Navamsa chart is also studied to understand the marriage prospects of the individual.


Auspicious Time of marriage

To know the time of marriage, astrology has to assess the seventh house, its lord, and the strength of the seventh house Venus.  

It is necessary to check whether there is marriage yoga or not and then whether the marriage is early or late. Suppose Vivah Yoga is present, then the person can get married during the Dasha of the planet belonging to the 7th house. Lagnesh Dasha and lord of the 5th house is also important. Marriage can happen in the Dasha of Venus as it is the marriage factor in the case of males. Whereas it can also happen in Dasha of Jupiter as this planet is the significator of marriage in the case of women. Rahu also gives marriage, so there is a need to assess the condition of Rahu. In a Navamsa chart, the lords of the first, fifth, and ninth houses and the planets that are associated with these houses or their lords are important.


Love Marriage or Arranged Marriage

In the Kundli, the 5th house is of love and the 7th house is of marriage. If the fifth house and its lord is strong, without any affliction, then there are possibilities of love marriage. If strong emotional planets are located in the fifth house, then there can be a love affair. It is very important to judge the relation or association between the 5th and 7th house and also to check whether there is any aspect or conjunction between Venus and Mars. Mostly, the 5th and 7th houses and Venus-Mars conjunctions tell us about the prediction of love or arranged marriage. The 9th house or the house of luck and its lord also plays an important role in this matter.  

Delayed Marriage

There can be a delay in marriage due to inauspicious effects on the seventh house, seventh lord, and Venus. Jupiter retrograde, set, or debilitated can cause a delay in marriage. Mangal Dosh is also one of the reasons for late marriage. The position of Saturn and Ketu in the seventh house can cause a delay in marriage. If the seventh lord or ascendant lord is retrograde and Mars is situated in the eighth house, then it gives delayed marriage. If the lord of a weak seventh house is situated in the sixth or eighth house, there is a delay in marriage. If Saptamesh and Shani are ineffectual and conjunct together, then marriage takes place late. If the Moon is conjoined with Rahu in the seventh house and the seventh lord is debilitated, then there are many obstacles and there may be a delay in marriage.  


Every young person wants to know when will they get married and who will their partner be. You can take online astrology consultations to know marriage predictions.

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